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OneWith is SJTW's innovative liturgy and Scripture centered curriculum. Using the Mass as our model, high school aged youth participate in and learn about Catholic worship from the inside out! 

Our Vision

For most Catholics, the Sunday Mass is the primary way we practice our faith.  But how much do we really understand about this ancient and highly symbolic form of worship?

At OneWith, we systematically unpack the histories and mysteries of the Mass to reveal the beauty, wisdom and grace of this powerful Sacrament.

What We Do

OneWith uses a "Teaching Mass" format to explain Catholic symbolism and tradition. 

  • Youth are mentored and participate in a wide variety of liturgical ministries.

  • Youth engage in theological reflection and practical application of Sacred Scripture and Catholic doctrine. 

  • Youth are mentored (1-on-1 & peer "Discipleship Groups") in fundamental practices of Christian discipleship.

Contact your parish for OneWith Teaching Mass times and details.

All Are Welcome

This concept was was not designed just for teens alone.  Adults and families are invited to participate in this unique format. The OneWith formation team has developed reflection materials specifically for groups of adults and families to reflect on the gospel in a deeper more intentional way.

We believe that the Mass is an inexhaustible mystery of God's grace!  Consider this YOUR invitation to join us to explore a deeper understanding of Catholic Liturgy, Sacred Scripture and the Sacrament of the Eucharist!

Check the your parish's schedule for OneWith Teaching Mass times and details.

The "Why" is Important...

What do The Karate Kid and going to Mass have in common?  Fr. Mike Schmitz explains...

  • What is OneWith?
    OneWith is a formation concept developed by St. Joseph the Worker to help high school youth, their parents and the whole Church learn and reflect on Catholic Worship and Sacred Scripture. The format, like the Mass itself, is simple but deeply layered. Most sessions feature a "Teaching Mass" format that allows the priest, our staff and trained mentors to explain/unpack liturgical rites, symbols, rituals, prayers and scripture as they occur during Mass. This unique apporach of teaching/reflecting/practicing Catholic liturgy allows worshipers of all ages to understand and engage in Mass and Sacred Scriptures in a richer and meaningful way. Everyone is invited to come and experience OneWith for themselves.
  • Who is OneWith for?
    Everyone! This formation concept was desinged with the belief that the Mass is an inexhaustible Mystery and that EVERYONE can benefit from a deeper understanding of Sacred Scripture and Catholic liturgy. We have developed teaching, commentary, and reflection materials for teens, adults and for families. At a OneWithTeaching Mass worshipers are invited to reflect individually and with their peers (youth with other youth, adults with adults, families with other families) to gain a wider perspective and deeper understanding. Youth in grades 9 - 11 particpate in small "Discipleship Groups" (It worked for Jesus). High School youth can Register for OneWith 2019-2020 here.
  • How do I make up a missed OneWith Session?
    The strength of our formation for high school aged youth is in the shared witness and reflection of the gospel and our lived Catholic experience that happens in their peer “Discipleship Groups”. It is no coincidence that this is the same method that Jesus used to form his disciples. This is why we place such a premium on our youth’s participation in their Discipleship Groups! However, we acknowledge the reality of illness, family emergencies, etc. Though less than ideal, for any youth that misses a OneWith Session, we offer the following alternatives to deepen their understanding of gospel and/or their Catholic faith: For more information and make-up instructions view & download: OneWith Make-up_Mass Reflection OneWith Make-up_Catholic Enrichment Please note that these options are for missed OneWith Sessions only! Missed Confirmation Prep sessions (“Gifted”) or other mandatory sessions (listed in red on the schedules) must be made-up by appointment. To schedule a make-up for a missed Confirmation Prep/Mandatory session contact Barry Shay (
  • Is the OneWith Teaching Mass a "Valid" Mass/Count for my "Sunday Obligation"?"
    Absolutly! Though its not your typical Sunday celebration, our OneWithTeaching Mass is a canonically valid Mass/Sunday Liturgy. Because we do take extra time to explain liturgical rites, Catholic pracites, Biblical context/reflection, etc. a typical OneWithTeaching Mass will run about an hour and a half (6:00-7:30 pm - about twice a month October-April) OneWith Schedule for 2019-2020
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